About Research To Policy

Rigorous research on critical issues pertaining to children, adolescents, and youth using a gender and equity lens.

  • Conducting primary and secondary research to address evidence gaps.
  • Conducting mixed-methods research that contributes to public discourse that shapes the life of the most marginalised communities.
  • Using participatory research methods to ensure voices of children, adolescents, and youth inform and guide all research studies.
  • Evidence generation in collaboration with the Government and other stakeholders.
  • Partnerships with University departments and mentoring of young scholars/ professionals to gain advanced research skills.

Select Research To Policy Reports


A report titled ‘Understanding Childhood Migration in India’ was commissioned by UNICEF India Country Office. Young Lives India carried out a secondary analysis of child migration using major national data sets – Census of India (1999, 2001 and 2011), National Sample Survey 64th Round (2007-08), and fourth round of National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) 2015-16.

This research reveals that one out of every five migrants in India is a child, and provides important insights on the socio-economic characteristics of child migrants, the impact of migration on children and the nature of vulnerabilities associated with their migration journeys.

Lived Experiences of Adolescent Pregnant Girls and Mothers in Shelter Homes in Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan

Young Lives India was supported by Children’s Investment Fund Foundation to carry out a qualitative sub-study ‘Understanding Lived Experiences of Adolescent Pregnant Girls and Mothers in Government Shelter Homes in Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan’ to understand the complex issue of pregnancy and motherhood related to teenage unwed girls in India.

The study highlights the challenges around the contested terrains of adolescent sexuality, sexual behavior, and choices in the Indian context. The case-studies reflect the deep-rooted socio-cultural, patriarchal norms, and the lack of supportive environments in which these girls exist.


Young Lives India has conducted secondary research using the National Family Health Survey 2015-16 (NFHS-4) to study the issue of child marriage and teenage pregnancy.

Factsheets at the national and State level based on the prevalence of child marriage and teenage pregnancy amongst girls in the age group of 15 to 19 years have been developed by Young Lives India. These factsheets based on secondary data at State and district-level have been impactful in shaping public policy and planning for the prevention of child marriage and teenage pregnancy in several States.


Young Lives India, jointly with the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) prepared a report entitled ‘A Statistical Analysis of Child Marriage in India: Based on Census 2011’.

The report highlights the high incidence of child marriage within specific Districts in India, and its repercussions on young girls and boys. The evidence from this report was instrumental in the landmark Supreme Court judgement on marital rape in the context of child marriage.


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